guide to discernment
five sessions to discern what path fits your real-life relationship.
What is Discernment?
Discernment is a protocol designed for couples on the verge of deciding their future together. It's not about repairing the relationship but determining whether to part ways or commit to resolving issues. The process focuses on exploring what changes are necessary for the relationship to succeed and what signs indicate it might be time to let go.
After five sessions, you'll be equipped to make an informed choice about the path best suited for you: This process will allow for clarity and confidence in a direction for the relationship, based on a deeper understanding of what’s happened to your relationship and each person’s contributions to the problems. You will both be equipped to decide which of the three paths is right for you
the 3 paths
Path One: You choose to remain together, striving to make the relationship work without demanding significant changes. This might be due to external factors like children, families with extended medical needs, financial constraints, or an inability to enact change currently.
Path Two: You opt for a collaborative separation or divorce. While one partner might lean more towards this, both parties aim to conclude the relationship with respect and empathy. This decision reflects a commitment to finding the most healing path after exploring all options.
Path Three: Both partners agree to rule out separation for six months, dedicating this time to genuine transformation. During this period, you’ll introduce changes, compromises, and establish new boundaries. After experiencing these alterations, you'll determine if the relationship can cater to everyone's needs without forsaking personal integrity.
01 — Consultation
Meet with Lyn to discuss if discernment is right for you. Everyone in the relationship will need to do a consultation, this can happen together or separately.
02 — Session One
Everyone meets together for two hours to start with, including a short break. to share some background info and allow Lyn to get a better lay of the land in your specific relationship map. You will spend most of the time sharing where you are at individually. This means you both will be asked to leave while the other meets with Lyn.
03 — Following Sessions
After the initial session, you will have one to four more sessions to make your decision about where to go with the relationship. Each session will start with individual work, shared summaries, and a choice to move forward or move onto your path.
04 — You Venture Onto Your Path
Within the 5 sessions, you will become clear on what path is right for you, stay as is, choose to collaboratively separate/divorce, or commit to 6 months of couples therapy with the shared agreement to really dive into making the relaitonship work for everyone. Lyn will support you in connecting with other clinicians and coaches to continue on your path. This will be as collaborative a process as possible.
2 hours | $350
Sessions 2-5 | 90 minutes | $300
Post Discernemnt follow up | Individual or Relational | 30 minutes $100
Start your journey today, you’ve been in limbo for too long. You deserve to feel secure.
If you are still unsure if discernment is for you?
If you want to learn more about discernment from the founder, check out the Doherty Relationship Institute.